The Top Skills A Facebook Advertiser Needs

The Top Skills A Facebook Advertiser Needs

I often get asked "what type of ads are working great right now?" but being a good Facebook advertiser isn't about knowing the answer to that question (because the answer is always "it depends!").

A good advertiser instead knows how to run the right tests to learn what works best for you.


Every time Facebook makes a change to the algorithm or Facebook ads, or CBO becomes mandatory, or whatever it is, someone inevitably asks me if I'm nervous about my ads not working anymore or something like that, and my answer is always no, because the number one skill that a Facebook advertiser needs to be good at what we do is knowing how to test, and iterate, and optimize.

Facebook is always changing. The algorithm's always changing. What worked last month isn't going to work this month. What works for one client isn't going to work for the next client.

So, the best skill that you can develop as a Facebook advertiser is creativity and coming up with new strategies, new ideas, knowing how to run a good test, so that you're going to actually get good learnings from it, and then being able to read the data, and analyze it, and figure out what you've learned and what you should test going forward.

As long as you are doing consistent testing and optimization, you should never be too worried about the Facebook algorithm changes or whatever other changes Facebook is making.